TEXT : 512- 761-7563‬
Narayana Institute is a religious college that offers accredited Ayurveda classes & other Vedic classes both online and in person. We also operate a Sliding Scale Ayurvedic Wellness Center for women (all ages) and elderly (above 60 years) in Gainesville, & Alachua offering low cost herbs and monthly free events. Our online classes and Ayurveda courses are affordable, flexible, and designed for busy individuals. Read More
As an Ayurveda Practitioner, I offer both comprehensives and affordable consultations accompanied by my students that can help you identify your unique constitution and suggest ways to balance your mind, body, and spirit. I work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your needs and lifestyle. University of Florida Students get further discounts. In addition we have monthly FREE AYURVEDA DAYS. Complimentary Consultations can be 30 min only and do not include herbs.
Take a class on Ayurvedic Herbs, nadi pariksha, and creation of custom formulas for your dosha. We also offer classes on Introduction to Ayurveda, Ayurvedic cooking, Vedic astrology, Vastu & Vedic Ayurvedic lifestyle coach, Vedic Women's Coach. Or, choose a professional 600-hour certification* in Vedic Ayurveda Counselor, Vedic Ayurvedic Herbalist. Offered online with separate mentorship.
Coming SOON
Personalized Ayurvedic Herbs customized to your dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha), and agni (state of digestive fire), with chants and prayers.
We craft spice mixes, condiments, teas, herbal jams, ghee,l body oil & hair oil, tailored to support you. Then, we pray on them, chant mantras, store them with powerful crystals, and energize them. A comprehensive 60-90-minute herb consultation required first time we make personalized formulas for you
Monica B Groover PhD, AD* is an Ayurveda Practitioner, a writer, and an Herbalist. Ms. Groover comes from a heritage of Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and Herbal healing. She has been practicing in USA (California and Texas) for the last 17 years and recently moved to Gainesville Florida.
As a writer, she has prepared an Ayurveda curriculum for graduate courses and different Ayurveda colleges. An advanced meditation practitioner, and, Herbalist- Ms. Groover practices traditional Ayurveda as passed to her by her heritage, energy medicine, and also practices Vedic Healing through Mantras.
A certified NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) member at the Ayurveda Doctor level; Ms. Groover's articles have been published in India, as well as the U.S.
She also served as a Board member for National Ayurvedic Medical Association from 2018-2019. She has created a curriculum that has been used by Universities. Ms. Groovers in the process of finishing two books. Ms. Groover has been a participant in NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) subcommittee for Ayurveda board exams in the US. Her Essential Guide to Ayurveda Part 1: Ayurveda textbook for Students & Counselors was published in October 2022 and opened at number 1 in Amazon best selling list for the category of educational counseling. This is one of the few books that offers supplemental material for the National Ayurvedic Medical Associations board exam. According to amazon.com "Customers find the book (Ayurveda and the Feminine) highly educational on multiple levels. They describe it as an excellent guide to Ayurveda and women's health. Readers also mention the chapters and structure are well-thought-out and easy to follow. )
*Doctor level membership with National Ayurvedic Medical Association
Background on Ayurveda
Ayurveda was first mentioned in the ancient Religious Vedic text of Hinduism called Atharva Veda. So, it's one of the oldest healing systems in the world. The name Ayurveda is a new invention. In old times, the practitioners traditionally would learn from their Guru in an ashram. Today Ayurveda and its therapies is inaccessible to the common person and the minorities. A retreat or treatment and even a consultation is not affordable by those who do not have a great deal of money. Hence I have created a Sliding Scale Affordable Ayurveda and Vedic Center.
Ancient Ayurveda practitioners wore many. hats- that of an expert Ayurveda practitioner who has studied the Ayurvedic and Vedic scriptures, priest, educator, counselor, cook, herbalist, astrologer, friend, coach and even performed rituals. They prayed and meditated and infused herbs with mantras. Though this practice is lost in the modern world, I still try to follow the ancient adage of what a bhishaga (ancient ayurvedic healer is called bhisaga or vaidya) should do.
I have attended many a universities and schools in my life studying many modalities and got a varied and well rounded education.
However, what I learned from my acharyas (living masters), as well as years of studying from different Ayurvedic and Vedic masters is a lot more precious and follows the lineage of ancient teachings. I have learned lost marma and nadi balancing techniques from a Kallaripayattu master and nadi and pranic techniques of healing from world-renowned Ayurvedic Jyotish teacher Swami Raj Baldev. I have learned keraliya Ayuvedic therapies from Kerala massage teachers. I have also had ancient teachers come to me in my meditation and guide me. After 20 years of practicing and studying, I still consider myself a student for Ayurveda is such a vast knowledge and I serve this master. The idea is to serve the community, the minorities, and those who cannot afford Ayurveda-the science of life created by Divine, as authentically as possible.
What can you expect during a consultation with me?
During an Ayurvedic wellness consultation, you'd be required to submit a photo of your tongue in the morning, your nails (if online consultation), and all your intake forms and history, If in person, I only require the intake forms. For in-person consultations, I also check nadi (pranic energy meridians) and use marma points to investigate imbalances and blockages of energy and emotions in different marmas, your physical, mental and spiritual layers.
In addition, I will also interview you in a consultation to assess the root causes of any emotional or physical imbalances and recommend integrative approaches focused on diet, lifestyle modifications, and herbal remedies. My approach is spiritual and ancient and I use my psychic abilities as an herbalist. Think of me as an advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner cum Indian Vedic Shaman.
I am dedicated to working with individuals to create a personalized plan for both acute and chronic imbalances. I may help you create a customized herbal formula ( bhashajya kalpana) specially formulated for your age, imbalance, and blockage. I may include coaching you on how to shop, how to cook recipes for your imbalances, and how to even mix herbs for yourself.
Disclaimer--Ayurveda is NOT recognized by FDA. Ayurveda Practitioners are not allowed to treat, cure, diagnose any disease. Ayurveda is an ancient healing art from Religious Vedic texts.
Integrating Ayurveda with Vedic Philosophy
Check out my published books
‪(512) 761-7563‬
Text us on the number above or start a WHATSAPP conversation
Ayurveda is an ancient Vedic Philosophy of Healing from India. We offer sliding scale and affordable consultations from $25* onwards for 40 minutes.
Ayurveda consultation from Ayurvedic Vaidyas and Student Practitioners. Consultations are offered both Online via zoom and in person.
In addition, there is a " Free Ayurveda Consultation Day" and online free student appointments once a month (These are students studying Ayurveda Counselor with us) In addition, we offer classes on Vastu, Ayurveda, and other Vedic arts. Our Ayurveda Counselor and Practitioner certification is recognized by Ayurveda Accreditation Commission.
WhatsApp link - https://wa.me/message/MS3DA6MMCDBWK1
Check out our videos and online classes. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel
Testimonial 1
"This is a great school to learn Ayurveda in it’s purest form. All of the teachers are so knowledgeable and truly care about their students. I completed the Ayurveda Counselor program with them and the courses were well organized and easy to follow. I am truly grateful for having found this amazing institution and for gaining knowledge about this ancient science!"
Pooja Sahgal
Testimonial 2
"My name is Antonia and I am an Ayurvedic counselor in Austin. I went through Narayana Ayurveda & Yoga academy Program and the experience was life changing for me. It is a real and very completed Ayurveda course, intense because they cover a lot of deep materials like no other programs in the country. I have been studying Ayurveda for years and the knowledge of every doctor and teachers in the program is remarkable at Narayana. Before, during and after I was done with the studies, they still so helpful to me and to the rest of the students. Very accommodative to our needs. I am talking about everyone at Narayana, experts with integrity, they are compassionate and very professional team with lifetime experience in Ayurveda, living it, practicing, sharing and teaching. I will aways be thankful for what they taught me. An AMAZING course, highly recommended."
Antonia Warren. Review Posted April 2019
Testimonial 3
'I recently finished the Ayurveda counselor program, it was beyond amazing! I am so grateful to have found this program. It will change your life indefinitely! The instructors are so full of knowledge. They make sure everyone understands the material being covered. The workshops are so worth the distance. I flew to Austin twice and each time It felt incredibly welcoming. Truly blessed to have received not only the knowledge, but wisdom as well through the program."
Dianna Calvente, August 22, 2019
Disclaimer: Please note that Ayurveda is a holistic health system and not recognized by FDA.We do not treat, CURE or, diagnose any disease. All herbs and consultation are holistic support and information purposes only. Please contact your physician before beginning any Detox, Yoga or Herbal regimen.