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Narayana Institute is a religious college that offers accredited Ayurveda classes & other Vedic classes both online and in person. We also operate a Sliding Scale Ayurvedic Wellness Center for women (all ages) and elderly (above 60 years) in Gainesville, & Alachua offering low cost herbs and monthly free events. Our online classes and Ayurveda courses are affordable, flexible, and designed for busy individuals. Read More

​​​ Why choose our college?
*Focus on Women
*Three Levels- choose one, two or all. A certificate is awarded after completion of each level.
*Further discounts for full payment, early bird discounts etc.
*Great Teachers
**Choose online only OR choose hybrid and come in for in person internship *
* The tuition payment can be spread up and is flexible.
*Flexible& Experiential Training Delivery .
*Content Driven
Curriculum is based on ancient Ayurvedic Texts (Caraka Samhita, Astanga Hrdyam, Susruta
*National Exam Results Our graduates have consistently performed very well at the NAMACB (National Ayurvedic Medical Associations-Certification Board) Exams for Ayurveda Counselor certification and Ayurveda Practitioner board certification.
A student can choose to join the ONLINE track and complete their entire training online*. Or, choose our hybrid model-where you attend mostly on-line and come in person for the internship.
Note- Tuition does not include books, electronic materials or application fees. The price is nearly 45% less than most Ayurveda colleges in the United States. We also transfer any previous yoga or any holistic health related training giving further discounts to students.
Recognition and Accreditation
The Ayurveda Accreditation and National Ayurvedic Medical Association recognizes Vedic Ayurveda Counselor prgraom 600 Hours. Hybrid students who successfully graduate our Vedic Ayurveda Counselor with in person internship can sit in for NAMA board exam. They can also apply for NAMA membership.
Our school s in candidacy for accreditation by Ayurveda accreditation Commission.
Graduates of the Hybrid program (online classes along with onsite classes and in person mentorship only) should be able to sit for the qualifying examination for National Ayurvedic Medical Association Certification board.

Narayana Institute of Vedic Arts and Sciences, named after Lord Narayana or Vishnu, the maintainer of Hindu Trinity Gods, stands as a private school. The word “Vedic” comes ancient Hindu Veda scriptures like the 4 Vedas, 18 Mahapuranas and ancient texts of Jyotish and Vastu. These ancient texts are a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, healing, Herbal Alchemy, rituals, mantras, and how to live a life of balance and wellness. The education is imparted with a deep reverence for the spiritual essence that underlies this sacred Vedic knowledge. Our educational model offers a spiritual journey into the profound realm of Vedic knowledge of Vastu, Yoga, Herbs, Mantras, Vedic counseling and Ayurvedic Medicine. Here, we follow the timeless Vedic tradition, rooted in the sacred teachings passed down through generations. We follow a Guru shishya parampara. Our teachers learnt from their teachers in an spiritual settings, who learnt from their teachers etc. Our mission is to nurture the souls of our students and help them balance their own karmik journey, as they embark on the path of healing and self-discovery. Our training program for Vedic Ayurveda Counselor have been reviewed and recognized by Ayurveda Accredtation Commission and is a candidate for accred-itation. We believe that the Vedic practice of herbal alchemy, and Ayurveda are not limited to the physical body but a synchronized harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. As you journey with us, you will not only gain knowledge but also insight into the deep spiritual rituals locked in Sanskrit that have been now translated and decoded for the students.

Are you looking for comprehensive instruction in ancient Vedic healing & Ayurvedic practices through the lens of Vedic alchemy and ancient scriptures. We offer both online and in person contact clasess. Our onsite labs, workshops in a group setting and mentorship program at our sliding scale community center in Alachua, or in a private setting will help to put the missing pieces together where online theory is not enough. Our mission is to promote Vedic, alternative, spiritual, and holistic education. Hinduism has four Vedas.
The fourth Veda or Atharva Veda had the knowledge of healing. This healing came to be known as Ayur+Veda or science of lifestyle. We also offer other Vedic classes on Vastu (Vedic Feng Shui), Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), and Vedic Herbalism and alchemy. Our courses are comprehensive yet designed for adult learners and offer flexibility and affordability. Training delivery is experiential and blended. We use online web-conferencing, and may use opensource Learning Management System to create our virtual learning environment. Our school provides comprehensive instruction in ancient Ayurvedic and Vedic healing practices through online courses. Our online workspace makes distance learning at an affordable rate avail-able for adult learners. The college was established by Husband-and-Wife team, Monica B Groover, Ph.D. (Manjulali Dasi), and, Pandit Atul Krishna Das
General Vedic Philosophy
Wholeness: Living in harmony with nature and earth, and worshipping earth as divine goddess
Humility: Practicing humility through surrender to the Divine, and, teaching that to the community
Ahimsa: Advocating a plant-based diet that does not harm the environment and other creatures.
Giving Back: Committing to give back to earth by using organic foods, recycling, and restoring nature. and offering sliding scale Vedic consultations for vastu, jyotish, Ayurveda and counseling for the local community.
Meditation: Practicing Sadhana, (daily Practice of surrender and peace) Restoring balance by medita-tion Consciousness: Cultivating inner awareness and knowingness by studying Vedic Scriptures.
Education: Offering affordable Vedic Education
Classes and Course codes
VAC100 Vedic Ayurveda Coaching/Introduction to Ayurveda
50 Hours
VAC 101 Vedic Cooking and Ayurvedic Nutrition 50 Hours
VAC102 Trioshas, Dhatus and Mala 50 Hours
VAC103 Vedic Womens Ayurvedic Coach 50 Hours
VAC104 Yoga for Ayurveda Counselors 25 Hours
VAC105 Vedic Ayurveda kriya Sharira 50 Hours
VAC106 Vedic Psychology and Ayurvedic Mind 50 Hours
VAC107 Mentorship** (see below)
VAC108 Vedic Herbalist Level 1 5O Hours
VAC109 Vedic Ayurveda Nidan 25 Hours
VAC110 Marma Points in Ayurveda
VAC111 Vastu & Jyotish Vedic Astrology 25 Hours
VAC112 Sanskrit 25 Hours Hours
VAC107**Vedic Ayurveda Mentorship 125 Hours
** 50 Client one to ones
Vedic Lab 1- Vedic Nadi Pariksha Part 1 and Part 2
Vedic Lab 2- Vedic Marma Energywork Part 1+ and Part 2
Vedic Lab 3 - Plant-based cooking for Doshas Part 1 and Part 2
Vedic Lab 4- Vedic Rituals
Vedic Lab 5- Vedic herb Lab - Part 1 teas, spice mixes+Part 2-infusions, topical herbs, Nasya and body oils
Vedic Lab 6- Vastu and Yoga(Total lab time for VAC Level 1- 50 hours)(+Available online for online-only students.)
My name is Antonia and I am an Ayurvedic counselor in Austin. I went through Narayana Ayurveda & Yoga academy Program and the experience was life changing for me. It is a real and very completed Ayurveda course, intense because they cover a lot of deep materials like no other programs in the country.
I have been studying Ayurveda for years and the knowledge of every doctor and teachers in the program is remarkable at Narayana. Before, during and after I was done with the studies, they still so helpful to me and to the rest of the students.
Very accommodative to our needs. I am talking about everyone at Narayana, experts with integrity, they are compassionate and very professional team with lifetime experience in Ayurveda, living it, practicing, sharing and teaching. I will aways be thankful for what they taught me.
An AMAZING course, highly recommended.
Antonia Warren. Review Posted April 2019
Admission Process1. Fill out the application form (opens NOVEMBER 16 2024)
2. Submit proof of education(High School Diploma or Equivalent) or other.
3. Watch and/or attend one of our sessions. Or watch the recording and talk to us over the phone.
4. If approved, sign forms and pay application fees of $25 (each level has separate application fees)
5. Tuition is due on the first of the month before the course begins.