TEXT : 512- 761-7563
Narayana Institute is a religious college that offers accredited Ayurveda classes & other Vedic classes both online and in person. We also operate a Sliding Scale Ayurvedic Wellness Center for women (all ages) and elderly (above 60 years) in Gainesville, & Alachua offering low cost herbs and monthly free events. Our online classes and Ayurveda courses are affordable, flexible, and designed for busy individuals. Read More
Foundations of Vedic Coaching &
Foundation course in Vedic Coaching and Introduction to Ayurveda 50 Hours, Course Code VAC100
Foundation in Ayurveda Principles & Vedic Philosophy, A Birdseye complete overview of basic Ayurvedic Principles for selfbalancing. Student will be have an introduction to Ayurveda as a modality, with focus on self-evaluation and balancing protocols for self doshas.
Lesson 1 Overview foundation of Ayurvedic Medicine
Lesson 2 History & Mythology of Ayurvedic Medicine
Lesson 3, Dosha Test, finding our own natural constitution Lesson 4 Comparison of Ayurveda to other Holistic Modalities Lesson 5 Six Philosophies, Samkhya and 24 Tattvas Lesson 6 Sensory Therapy Coaching Lesson 7 Five elements and 20 Gunas Lesson 8 Introduction to Agni and foods that balance digestive fire Lesson 9 Reasons for imbalance and Suffering (Hetus and Kleshas) Lesson 10 Svastha Vritta (Day, Night and Seasonal Routines) Lesson 11 Shopping, meal planning and vedic coaching Lesson 12 Daily and Seasonal routine for doshas Online Evaluation- Quiz, Prakrti Test, Create Daily and Seasonal Routine for self and one other individuals. *In person Mentorship - (Optional) Create Individualized Dosha Tests, Create 3 Daily and 3 Seasonal Routine with two clients in presence of a teacher (only offered for Ayurveda Counselor enrolles)
Vedic Cooking and Ayurvedic Nutrition
Synopsis: The student will be able to list the six tastes, food groups, fruits, beverages, grains that support the three doshas, and, explain the concept of agni and effect of food on the mind. Lesson Outline Lesson 1 Comparison of Vedic, Western and Ayurvedic concepts of Nutrition Lesson 2 Ayurvedic MyPlate and Nutrition Label Lesson 3 Sattva, Tamas and Rajas in Food Lesson 4 Ayurvedic Homeostasis: Annavaha srotas Lesson 5 Ayurvedic Concept of Fruits, Vegetables, legumes and Grains Lesson 6 Shad Rasas and Cooking Alchemy Lesson 7 Concept of Agni, the states of Jatharagni- Tikshagni, Mandagni, and,Vishamagni. Lesson 8 Ayurvedic Beverages Lesson 9 Introduction to Kitchen Herbs and Spices Lesson 10-Dietary guidelines for Vata, Pitta and Kapha Lesson 11- The principle of Navedyam Onsite LAB - VEDIC LAB 3- Plant based Ayurvedic Cooking for dosas (in person) Online Evaluation- Quiz, create recipe videos *In person onsite Mentorship - Create Individualized six rasa meal plans, Create 3 spice mixes, 1 chutney, 1 beverage and kitchari with two clients in presence of a teacher
Tridoshas, Dhatus and Mala
Tridoshas, Dhatus & Mala Introduction to Tridoshas, Dhatus and Mala VAC103 Prerequisites-only offered to Vedic Ayurveda Counselor enrolles. (not available as A LA CARTE_ Synopsis Student will be able to list the three doshas, location of sub doshas, their function and their importance. Student shall understand Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas-functional and structural differences and will be able to use this to fill a dosha assessment form. for different populations Lesson 1 Introduction to Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and Srotas Lesson 2 Location, Function of 5 sub doshas of vata, Pitta and Kapha Lesson 3 Different Types of Prakrti and Vikrti and its gunas in different genders and demographics Lesson 4 Threefold Biofeedback- Darshanam, Sparshanam, Prashanam Lesson 5 Malas and 3 types of Ama; manifestation, aggravation and support Lesson 6 Hetus (Causative Factors) reasons for imbalances- Improper use of Indriya, Urges, Age and Seasons Lesson 7 Ayurveda and Women-Teenage, Menstrual Cycle, PMS, and moon cycle Lesson 8 Vedic Healing and self-support therapies for women Lesson 9 Vedic Prenatal motherhood Lesson 10 Vedic Ayurvedic Postnatal plans
Vedic Ayurveda Kriya Sarira
Vedic Ayurveda Kriya Sharira (Workings of Mind, Body and Spirit) VAC105 Synopsis Student shall be able to list, explain and understand work-ings of the body, mind and spirit (Sharira Rachna) including 7 Tis-sues or dhatus, upadhatus and srotas. Student will also learn about imbalances associated with dosha and dhatu interplay, increase or decrease of dhatus. LESSON OUTLINE Lesson 1-.Three stages of digestion and creation of Dhatus Lesson 2-, Creation of 7 Dhatus, Sub Dhatus, and their function Lesson 3: Overview of 7 srotas-with focus on rasa, rakta srotas Lesson 4: Srotas in women and their imbalances Lesson 5-Srotas and their imbalances. Lesson 6- Disorders of Prana, Ojas and Tejas; Concept of Immunity Lesson 7- The Moon Cycle Lesson 8- Vedic Mama Lesson 9 Vedic Menopause Lesson 10 Dusthi and Stri rogas Total Hours- 50
Jyotish Vedic Astrology-25 hours Synopsis: Brief introduction to principles of Jyótisa, the traditional Hindu Vedic astrology Lesson 1 Brief introduction to principles of Jyótisa Lesson 2 Nakshatras and Constellations Lesson 3 The 12 houses of the horoscope Lesson 4 The rising sign, ascendent and the moon sign Lesson 5 Panchanga and tithis VASTU (25 Hours) Vastu, the origin of feng Shui Lesson Outline Lesson 1 Brief introduction to principles of Vastu Lesson 2 The Cardinal Directions and VPM Lesson 3 Principles of Vastu and their effect on health and wellbeing Lesson 4 The gridlines, auspicious and inauspicious design principrinciples
Yoga for Ayurveda Counselors
Yoga for Ayurveda Counselors -25 Hrs
(Vedic Ayurveda Counselor , or, A LA CARTE)
Synopsis: Basic introduction to Yoga Therapy with emphasis on
Ayurveda. Student shall be able to defi e and apply 8 principles of
Yoga to Ayurveda and devise a yoga counseling plan for the three
Lesson Outline:
Lesson 1 Introduction to Ayurveda Yoga Therapy
Lesson 2- Yama and niyama application
Lesson 3- warm up, and 3 Asanas for Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Lesson 4-Pranayama and respiratory system
Lab- Create a basic warm up plan, or pranayama plan for V, P and
K students.
OPTIONAL ELECTIVE-Students can take any 3 electives in Vedic
Ayurveda Counselor. It should be a total of 100 hours.
VEDIC LAB 6 - VASTU AND YOGA (Offerred separately onsite)
Vedic Herbs
Level 1 50 Hours
Vedic Herbs level 1 50 Hours VAC108/VH100foundation of ancient Vedic practices of Herbalism.The Vedic Herbs Level 1 Foundation theory focuses onenergetics of 10 Ayurvedic herbs & 5 local herbs. Theywill learn theory and creation of teas, salves, oils andhow to energetically increase the efficacy using rituals,alchemy, sourcing etc.Lesson 1 What is Dravyology?(theory)Lesson 2- Herbs for 3 Doshas, 3 seasonsLesson 3 Theory-List of 20 Herbs with their energetics(Virya, Vipaka, Guna, Karma and Prabhava)Lesson 4 Herbal Beverages and AnupanaLesson 5 Herbal Alchemy and ritualsLesson 6: Sourcing of Ayurvedic Kitchen Spices andHerbsLab1 Gardening, botany, mantras and rituals for harvesting,and creating teas and spice mixes- (AlachuaFlorida) Lab 2 Creation of topical herb salves, hair oil, massage oiland nasya oil from local plants and kitchen herbs.(Alachua Florida)(*for those pursuing VAC Level 1 and VAH, the onlineclasses are synchronous)
Vedic Mentorship
Vedic Mentorship
Vedic Mentorship Module (VAM 100, VAM101
Synopsis Students shall be able to teach and educate their clients in
an effici t ethical manner, understand their scope of practice and
utilize forms, questionnaires and tools needed for their own practice.
Part of this module may be covered in onsite internship.
Lesson 1 Vedic Lab 1- Vedic Nadi Pariksha (available A LA
CARTE) for clients
Lesson 2 Vedic Lab 5- Creation of Vedic herbal teas, spice mixes,
teas, and oils
Lesson 3 Vedic Rituals for Counselors (available A LA CARTE)
Lesson 4 Rugna Patrakama (Client Assessment Form)
Lesson 5 Ayurveda Counseling Skills (behavior, lifestyle, spiritual,
yoga, meditation)
Lesson 6 Client Encounters Observation and Demonstration
Lesson 7 Vedic Coaching Skills
Lesson 8 Demonstration of parikshas and Assessment of client
coaching skills
Lesson 9 Demonstration of herbal and recipe creations
Lesson 10 Different client demographics
Lesson 10 Writing up Cikitsa plan for clients
Lesson 11 Client Follow up
Grades: Pass or Fail. (In person or Online participation is specifi d
in Transcript)
LABS- VEDIC MARMA ENERGYWORK Synopsis: Students shall learn the location , theory and some support (chikitsa), Marma Points or hands, feet and head. In addition, we will cover mahamarma and chakra healing tehniques(Part of this module may be covered in onsite internship.) Lesson Outline Lesson 1 Introduction to Marmas Lesson 2 Application of Marmas in your practice Lesson 3 Marmas of Hands and and Feet Lesson 4 Marmas of Head and Face Lesson 5 Marma, Chakras and Crystals Lesson 5 Energy Healing of Marmas Lesson 6 Marma Lab Videos(for students not attending in person) VEDIC LAB 2 - ((onsite, mandatory for Vedic Ayurveda Counselor students) Demonstration , location of marma sites. and practice of using pendulum for evaluation of marmas, herbal pastes, crystals, tailams and essential oils for marma cikitsa. Vedic Lab 2 (optional-costs extra) Deeper dive into marma and use of tuning forks and other marma tools. Marmas of the back and legs covered.