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Introduction to Ayurveda
& Vedic Coaching

Vedic Cooking & Ayurvedic Nutrition

Title- Foundation course in Vedic coaching and  Ayurveda
Total Time 50 Hours,
Course Code VAC100

Synopsis: Foundation in Ayurveda Principles & Vedic Philosophy, A Birdseye complete overview of basic Ayurvedic Principles for self-balancing. Students will have an introduction to Ayurveda as a modality, with a focus on self-evaluation and balancing protocols for self-doshas.


Lesson 1 Overview of Ayurveda & Vedic Coaching
Lesson 2 History & Mythology of Ayurveda & its Vedic underpinnings
Lesson 3  Five Elements and 20 Gunas 
Lesson 4 Dosha Test, the natural constitution
Lesson 5 Comparison of Ayurveda to Other Holistic Modalities
Lesson 6 Ayurvedic Philosophy and its application in Vedic Coaching
Lesson 7 Sensory Therapy Coaching
Lesson 8 Reasons for Imbalance and Suffering (Hetus)
Lesson 9 Introduction to Lifestyle Coaching Svastha Vritta (Daily Routine)  

Lesson 11 The Three Pillars or Trayopastambha- Sleep & nightly Routine and Sleep Daily 

Lesson 12 Seasonal routine for doshas

Online Evaluation- Quizzes, Prakrti Test, Create Daily, Nightly and Seasonal Routine for self and one other individual.  
*In person Mentorship - (Optional) Create Individualized Dosha Tests, Final Project- Create a Vedic Ayurveda Coaching Plan with Daily Routine, Nightly Routine OR a Seasonal Routine for a Vata, Pitta or Kapha client.

Title- Vedic Cooking and Ayurvedic Nutrition
Total Time 50 Hours
Course Code VAC102

Synopsis: The student will be able to list the six tastes, food groups, fruits, beverages, grains that support the three doshas, and, explain the concept of agni and effect of food on the mind.

Lesson Outline

Lesson 1 Comparison of  Vedic, Western and Ayurvedic concepts of Nutrition
Lesson 2 Ayurvedic MyPlate and Nutrition Label
Lesson 3 Sattva, Tamas and Rajas in Food
Lesson 4 Ayurvedic  Homeostasis: Annavaha srotas Lesson 5 Ayurvedic Concept of Fruits, Vegetables, legumes and Grains
Lesson 6 Shad Rasas and Cooking Alchemy
Lesson 7 Concept of Agni, the states of Jatharagni- Tikshagni, Mandagni, and,Vishamagni.
Lesson 8  Ayurvedic Beverages
Lesson 9 Introduction to Kitchen Herbs and Spices

 Lesson 10-Dietary guidelines for Vata, Pitta and Kapha Lesson 11- The principle of Navedyam


Onsite LAB -

VEDIC LAB 3- Plant based Ayurvedic Cooking for dosas (in person)

Online Evaluation- Quiz, create recipe videos

Create Individualized 3 rasa meal plans,  
Create 1 spice mixes, 1 chutney, 1 beverage and kitchari

Yoga for Ayurveda Counselors

Module #3 VEDIC AYURVEDA LIFESTYLE COACHTitle- Yoga for Ayurveda Counselors -25 Hrs 
Synopsis: Basic introduction to Yoga Therapy with emphasis on Ayurveda. Student shall be able to defi e and apply 8 principles of Yoga to Ayurveda and devise a yoga counseling plan for the three doshas.


Lesson Outline:

Lesson 1 Introduction to Ayurveda Yoga Therapy

 Lesson 2- Yoga Nadi and Chakras

Lesson 3- Basic Chair/Bed Asanas for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

Lesson 4-Pranayama (Breathing) support for stress and anxiety

Lab- Create a basic warm up plan, or pranayama plan for V, P and K students.

Lab- YOGA NADI Scan and Yoga Nidra Meditation 


Thursdays- March and April 2025 at 6 PM and/or 7 PM Central on zoom.  Mentorship and coaching offered for 10 clients. This will include 7 client observations and 3 independent client encounters secured by the student under the guidance of a teacher. Thursday evening at 7 pm eastern.  Some Saturdays at 11 am eastern.
In addition, there will be an in-person onsite day in Feb. (Optional add-on)
Students can come in to Gainesville to observe and learn during our FREE/Complimentary Ayurveda Days. (The onsite portion is NOT included in the tuition, and may require extra fees(

What is Mentorship?

Some colleges call it internship. We call it mentorship. It can be done in a group or one-to-one. It is NOT included in the online tuition and is always an add on. You can choose to do 4 hours of mentorship with our teacher(s) or 40 hours. It depends on you, your time and whats available at our end.

Our Ayurvedic mentorship with our Complimentary Days as well as sliding scale Ayurveda days in Gainesville and Alachua provides students with the opportunity to observe advanced Ayurveda Practitioners in action, and apply what they have learnt in school, the basic concepts of lifestyle, dosha pacifying diet and more.  Mentorships may include : 


Students may work with community members and clients, and participate in consultations under the supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner. (There is a zoom observation option for those option for online only mentorship)

Hands-on training

Students may learn how to use intake forms, learn about basic marma, yogic nadi etc.

Students may learn about Ayurvedic herbs and basic herbal formulations or kitchen spices. 

Community immersion

Students may immerse themselves in a community and learn about Ayurvedic lifestyle practices

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