TEXT : 512- 761-7563‬

Narayana Institute is a religious college that offers accredited Ayurveda classes & other Vedic classes both online and in person. We also operate a Sliding Scale Ayurvedic Wellness Center for women (all ages) and elderly (above 60 years) in Gainesville, & Alachua offering low cost herbs and monthly free events. Our online classes and Ayurveda courses are affordable, flexible, and designed for busy individuals. Read More

Module 2- Bhava Prakasha
Theory of Ancient Foods, and Herbs from Bhava Prakasha Nighantu
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu is a 16th century AD Vedic Text on Ayurveda, ancient diets, foods and produce as well as Ayurvedic herbs. It is considered an important work in history of Ayurveda and is part of the Laghu trayi, a triad of minor authoritative works in Ayurveda. This ancient text was published by Acharya Bhavamishra and is divided into three parts: Purva Khanda, Madhyama Khanda, and Uttara Khanda. Describes plants morphologically and pharmacologically, and includes information on all branches of Ayurveda. Our focus in this course will only be on parts of Chapter 6 of Bhava Prakasha where examples and theory of food and herbs are listed.
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