How many ways can you cook Pumpkin?
During my grocery trip, I noticed how HEB and Walmart are selling pumpkin galore for so cheap. Even other squashes are so affordable and bountiful. Then, I went to Whole Foods. The squashes started at $3 and Pumpkins from $3.99. I think I am buying different squashes everytime I visit a store in the last week--acorn, butternut, different sizes of pumpkins. The squashes are seasonal, local, aromatic, vibrant in color and Prana. For now, I have decorated them around the house. How else do I use the bounty available for 3.99 at whole foods this month? (It is cheaper or equivalent to HEB. Thanks, Amazon!) We bake pumpkin pies; we make pumpkin cupcakes and muffins. We make pumpkin soups. But, that is indeed how pumpkin is used. We can use pumpkin in so many ways. I will be cooking pumpkin and taking some photos in the next month.
1. Thicken your soups
2. Add it to cakes
3. Use it to make pasta sauces
4. Pumpkin Jelly (yes, you heard right!)
5. Pumpkin candy
6. Pumpkin Jams
7. Pumpkin pies
8. Pumpkin cookies

9. Pumpkin chutney
10. Pumpkin subji (mixed veggies)
11. Pumpkin and Mung Dal
12. Pumpkin in Kitchari
13. Pumpkin Burfi (A milk based confectionary--can also be made with cashewnuts)