Ayurvedic Lip color

Morning Beautiful Ladies,
Every winter or windy weather, most of my clients complain of dry lips.
Of course, we can chapstick it till the cows come home, but we need to hydrate also.
Anyhow, along with hydration tips, I started giving a recipe for a ghee lip moisturizer to some of my friends.
In addition, a lot of my students were asking where to get natural make up that doesn't cost a whole week's paycheck.
In Ayurveda we believe, whatever you put on your skin or your lips should be edible quality. #eatyourmakeup
I am a big proponent of natural makeup and do you know a natural organic lipstick made of vegetables and juices can cost $50. This one will cost a fraction. The only thing you need to buy will be vegetable color, or beetroot powder, and beeswax.
The first time I made the above recipe I added too much turmeric. Next time I decreased turmeric to a pinch. The vegetable dye looks very red or brown whe
n liquid but it lightens when it drys out.
So, I decided to create a natural recipe that is cheap and natural.
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon ghee OR shea butter ( I like ghee better, but, the lipstick does bleed with ghee)
2 teaspoon beeswax/beeswax beads.
1/4 tsp powder of turmeric powder (turmeric is considered anti-bacterial support, anti-inflammatory support)
1/2 -1 tsp beetroot or vegetable color powder (OR, you can use natural mineral color, or a natural vegetable food dye color from a baking website or amazon)
A little tin
In the video above I also added some rose petals, just because I could. If you want to add essential oil, that's an option.

Mind you, the color is light and it is more like a lipgloss on my darker skin tone, but, on a lighter skin it should come up as a brighter color.
If we don't add the red color, this acts as a beautiful healing skin salve. That is a recipe for another time. Keep on reading and subscribe.
Finally disclaimer, please note that this is not Ayurvedic advice. It is simply a blog about DYI lip gloss. This recipe is for information and fun only.
Monica Groover is the author of Ayurveda and the Feminine, and, Essential Guide to Ayurveda, A textbook for students and Counselors. Ms Groover is the director of Narayana Ayurveda in Austin, Texas