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Narayana Institute is a religious college that offers accredited Ayurveda classes & other Vedic classes both online and in person. We also operate a Sliding Scale Ayurvedic Wellness Center for women (all ages) and elderly (above 60 years) in Gainesville, & Alachua offering low cost herbs and monthly free events. Our online classes and Ayurveda courses are affordable, flexible, and designed for busy individuals. Read More
This is the foundation program in Yoga therapy with focus on Anatomy for yoga teachers, Physiology and Kinesiology for Yoga, basic nutrition and Ayurvedic wellness practices.
Name of the course: Introduction to Yoga Therapy
Course Code YTA 2017
Next Start Date Spring 2017 (Course lasts apx. 3.5 months)
Materials Study Aids, DVD's, Four Printed Manuals Supplied by College, Book- Essential Guide to Ayurveda-Part 1 by Monica B Groover, Introduction to Kinesiology, Introduction to human anatomy and physiology, Introduction to Nutrition, Study Aids, DVDS, Workbook and Quizzes. Materials are provided online, and/or in softcopy, or, hard copy.
Classes- Live Online Classes on Sunday Mornings at 7.00 AM PST, and, prerecorded classes. One onsite weekend workshop.
Training Delivery The program is presented in a hybrid format which includes interaction with teachers through online classes, online forum discussions and posts, and presentation of preparing customized yoga therapy for clients during the weekend workshop.
Pre-requisite High School diploma. Minimum age-22 years. Practicing Yoga for 1 years, or, a Yoga Teacher
Course Delivery This course is intense, moves fast and we expect the students to have at least 7 hours of time every week for attending classes, and study time. Class recordings of online sessions are available if a student is unable to attend class for upto 1 week. Even though the yoga therapy student clinic is optional, we strongly suggest and recommend it.
Audience: Suited for existing Yoga practitioners, or, someone practicing yoga for at least 2 years, and/or Ayurveda students or Practitioners who want to incorporate holistic Wellness and Yoga Therapy in their own practice. This course also serves as a strong and comprehensive foundation for yoga teachers who may want to join an Ayurveda Programs from San Diego College of Ayurveda. The program is experiential, and, students are given tools and take away for their own practice.
This program is made up of 4 course units from the core, clinical and basic tenets of Kinesiology, Yoga, and basic Ayurvedic Wellness Practices including:
1. Yoga Therapy from an Ayurvedic Perspective -100 Hrs
2. Introduction to Kinesiology 10 Hrs
3. Introduction to Anatomy& Physiology for Yoga Students- 25 Hrs
4. Introduction to Nutrition- 15 Hrs
Please note that Yoga Therapy &Ayurveda is not recognized by FDA, and remains a holistic health modality, recognized as a complimentary medicine in only some states in USA.